Office of Accommodations and Disability Services

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Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Office of Accommodations and Disability Services (OADS) at ÃÈÃÃÊÓƵ to provide leadership for cultivating a proactive culture of disability awareness on our campus and in our community. Through collaboration and partnerships, OADS facilitates the removal of barriers and the creation of accessible environments, programs, and services for students. OADS provides opportunities for education and advocacy in collaboration with students, faculty, and staff. OADS will actively work in support of our college’s core values; providing a positive, caring, and dynamic learning environment.

ADA and 504

We are committed to ensuring students with documented disabilities have the opportunity to take part in educational programs and services in accordance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are federal laws designed to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities in programs and activities that receive federal funds. Under this law, individuals with disabilities are defined as persons with a physical, medical, or mental health impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities. Major life activities include caring for one’s self, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, working, performing manual tasks, and learning.

Requesting Accommodations

Accommodations Application Process

Disclaimer: All communication from the OADS office will go directly to the VCCS issued student email address.

  1. Apply to the college.
  2. Schedule an appointment with your academic advisor.
  3. Enroll in classes.
  4. Apply for academic accommodations via the online form at Accessible Information Management (AIM).
  5. Upload documentation via AIM.
  6. Student will be prompted via AIM to schedule an intake appointment with the OADS Counselor.
  7. Complete the intake for services with OADS Counselor via the interactive process.
  8. Follow any next steps provided by the OADS Counselor.

OADS does not write accommodation letters for unenrolled students. Students must be active and enrolled at ÃÈÃÃÊÓƵ.


Documentation for any disability may include:

  • A diagnostic statement identifying the disability and date of the most current diagnostic evaluation. A description of the diagnostic tests, methods, and/or criteria used, which should follow adult norms.
  • A description of the current functional impact of the disability. There should be a description of how the individual’s identified impairment substantially limits a major life activity. The description should include the current functional impact on physical (including mobility and dexterity), cognitive (including processing, attention, and communication), and behavioral abilities and should be described through specific results from the diagnostic procedures.
  • A statement indicating treatments, medications, and assistive devices / services in use, including a history of previous academic adjustments and auxiliary aids and services, and their impact. Recommendations regarding accommodations should be reasonable within the academic setting.
  • The credentials of the professional(s), if not clear from the letterhead or other forms. Diagnosing professionals shall not be family members or others with a close personal relationship with the individual.

Although it is not required, if you have documentation from a doctor or other credentialed professional that recommends specific accommodations for college, please share that as well.

Not all documentation will contain all of these components, but the more information that is provided, the easier it is to determine which accommodations are appropriate and valuable for the student’s success.

Communicate with your Instructors

Once you receive an accommodations letter:

  1. Please request your updated letter be emailed to your Professors via AIM.
  2. Consider scheduling an appointment with your professors or emailing them any additional information regarding your accommodations. Note: your diagnosis will not be shared on your accommodation letter.
  3. If your professor has questions or concerns with the accommodations letter, refer the professor to the disability services counselor.

Contact The Office of Accommodations and Disability Services Provider if you are having academic difficulty. Letters can be revised at any time in the semester.

Transition to College


Viviane Meder

Viviane Meder

TRIO Director, Coordinator Disability Services
Nicholas Shomo

Nicholas Shomo

OADS Counselor
Whitney Scruggs

Contact Us

Contact us if you are having academic difficulty. Letters can be revised at any time in the semester.

Middletown Campus: 540-869-0758

Fauquier Campus: 540-351-1520

  • Monday – Thursday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  • Friday: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Holiday and summer hours may vary.